MFQ Again Mid August

This has been an unusual month of August for us, because it is normally a very hot month, temperature wise daily, and last year we had temps averaging from 102 to 108 daily, but this year, we are quite the opposite. Most of the first three weeks, the temps were in the 80`s, and then as we progressed past the middle of the month, the temps began to slowly climb, and now, the last week, we are in the high 90`s, and while still cooler than last year, the humidity makes one think our temps are much higher. Plus we haven`t had any rain for two weeks and are hoping for some relief soon.

 I took off the 18th so I could return to MFQ and see what could be found….my supervisor had returned from her vacation and I had more overtime built up, so took the day off to do some collecting…Missy and I arrived mid morning to a beautiful cloudy day.  I grabbed my tools and bags and made a fairly quick walk around to see if I could find any pretties laying loose in the gravel or dirt, then dug around at the base of the cove wall to see if I could locate another pocket…

02 After Searching For More Pockets Here

….not finding any, I then scraped around on the wall to see if I could locate any there. I found a few shallow pockets and pulled out a few nice crystals, then took a short break for water. The temps were climbing into the low nineties and I then grabbed another bag and headed to the knob to see if I could locate another pocket there….

01 Worked The Knob Once Again

I first climbed up to the pocket that Ray had found a few weeks back that was chock full of nestles chocolate colored dogtooth crystals…this was no easy task this time because there was a lot of loose gravel and dirt on the way up on the left side next to the rock knob….

03 Pocket Located Above Runway

….so I had to find a different way up that was more solid and not prone to sliding down on me as I climbed up.  I climbed up on the bigger rocks to the right of the knob, they are firmly entrenched and not going anywhere anytime soon, although some of the smaller ones moved a bit on me under my feet as I moved over to the knob pocket. I decided to dig around in the original pocket to see if I could locate anymore missed crystals…the last time there, I had found a few that were either overlooked or left behind….someone had worked the pocket a bit more extensively after Ray had worked it initially. However, whoever was there after Ray, had left behind about a half dozen really nice dogtooths, laying in the loose dirt when I found them. Here is how the pocket looks now…kind of L shaped in the rock wall….

04 Pocket Up Close

I found a couple more while up there, and then decided to scratch around the pocket as well…and while digging around in the loose dirt at the front of the pocket, I started finding some dark gray colored poker chips, then a small cluster popped up…and the next thing I knew, a few dogtooths surfaced as well….after wrapping the few up and placing them in my bag, I decided to take a short break, go grab another bag with more wrapping cloths, and headed back to the pocket. I climbed back up and within a few minutes, some larger dogtooths were uncovered, leading me to believe there was yet another pocket under the original one that Ray found…and soon enough, I was pulling this one out next….

06 Med Crystal from Knob Pocket



07 Med Crystal from Knob Pocket


…and then I pulled several more out, many of them smaller dogtooths, but very pretty and frosted over. Following are some images of the crystals I found there…took me about an hour to clean out the bottom pocket completely….

08 Dogtooth Crystals


09 Dogtooth Crystals


09A Dogtooth Crystals


09B Dogtooth Crystals


10 Second Set Dogtooths


10A Second Set Dogtooths


10B Second Set Dogtooths


10C Second Set Dogtooths


Afterwards, I took Missy to a spring fed creek nearby and she was able to get a few drinks of good cold water, too….then we headed home. 




MFQ First of August

Ray returned from vacation the first week of August and rode down to MFQ again with Missy and I on the tenth, recharged and ready to again see what we could find there. We ran into some full and running creeks….no water was over the highway, but they had definitely had some heavy rainfall there the night before. I found out later, about seven or eight inches of rain had fallen throughout the night time hours and had ended just before our arrival.

As we entered the main river valley from the west, we stopped at a scenic overlook to check out the heavy fog rolling across the valley below….

01 Alley Spring Valley Fog


02 Alley Spring Valley Fog…s

…since we had gotten up early to arrive early, the sun was coming up over the higher layer of the fog as we were about to head on down the road….

03 Sunrise Above Fog


…we arrived a few minutes later to a pretty blue sky filled with fluffy white clouds….sure was a nice cool temp when we started there, too….

07 Rain Clouds Clearing Out


…prob largely due to the storms that had cleared out just prior to our arrival….this quarry always drains real well…I have never seen more than a few water puddles there…and only water puddles, no mud…which suits Missy just fine for when she gets thirsty and hot….

…well the knob was still there, looking much the same as last week. Ray poked around it for a bit, climbing up on the other side to see if he could locate any pockets up there, but didn`t find much and so then he grabbed his hammer and chisel and headed east down to the other end in search of boulders to cob down…..

08 Knob Remains


…and pretty soon, I could hear him working on some boulders. I began working on finding more pockets in the cove wall…and by the time he had finished cobbing down some boulders filled with pockets of…get this…ivory snow colored druse quartz….I had found and cleaned out two pockets…he let me know that he was ready to head to the new druse spot anytime…I had just taken a water bottle break and was walking back to the cove wall, wanting to take another look at one area before calling it quits…I put my mini mattox into the dirt and pulled back one swath of dirt and rock…and OILA !!!….. there was a beautiful chocolate brown dogtooth crystal sitting there in the dirt mixture….if I recall, the first words out of my mouth were HOLIE COW…loud enough that Ray, who was walking back to the pile on the east side…heard me and turned around. Then a second later, I found yet another and said it again, loudly, and he came to see what I was finding…and by the time he got there, I had found a pocket of them and they were rolling out of the pocket into my hands…literally….he decided to stay and help me dig it out and one turned into at least two or three….enough to fill two bags….THEN we headed to the new druse spot.

We arrived about a couple of hours later, and although they hadn`t had the same amount of rain up there…the clay mud on top, at least, was a bit soft and gooey. Luckily the construction crews that had been working there the past few months, had likely experienced the same thing and brought some white rock in for traction…

09 Bixby Druse Spot Muddy

….it was obvious they were no longer excavating the clay dirt now and I drove up the hill to search the south side since we had searched the north side the last time there.

10 A Bit Muddy

11 West Side Muddy

12 Just A Little Muddy

I didn`t get the camera out but suffice to say, we found a ton of bubbles in all different sizes in all colors…my favorites there are the citrine yellow and the smokey colors…Ray even found a lot of pink colored bubble pieces. After collecting for a couple of hours, we headed home with lots of pretty goodies. 




MFQ End of July

Missy and I loaded up the truck and headed down to MFQ again on the 27th…Ray was on vacation out east and we had nothing better to do…it turned out to be a very pretty day on our arrival down there….

01 A Beautiful Cloudy Day


…I mainly drove down to take a look because some friends from up north were traveling down to Marion, Kentucky for a public dig and wanted to swing by on their way home, so went down to scout it out again to give them a better idea of what could be found there…I was going to have to work the weekend they were gonna be there. It was a bit cloudy when we arrived but that helped keep the heat away as well and all in all, it wasn`t a bad day to collect at all…Missy took off on her forays and adventures to check the place out as is her norm these days…

02 Rimlit Cloud


…the knob that Ray and I had been working lately, was still there, but I didn`t venture over to look at it cause it was much the same and still had a lot of rock hanging up on top that could be tricky to work around, so I headed over to the cove wall that we had been finding some beautiful pockets in, instead….

04 East Wall


…the last time there, I had found some beautiful stuff, so I decided to nose around and see if I could locate another pocket of beauties…within minutes I had located yet another great pocket and this pocket, much like the last few, really kept going and going and going and….

05 Pocket Found Up Higher


…and was located just a little higher up on the wall….

06 Pocket Found Higher Up


…it took about three hours to clean it out, and I filled about six bags full of wrapped goodies, including quite a few dogtooth crystals again. As we left, I snapped a photo of the new blast pile, which they have cut down to size quite a bit in the past week…

07 New Blast Pile Cut Down


,,,having cut it back to the wall almost, and they pulled a bunch of boulders out into the middle of the floor area and were cobbing them down with that big hydraulic jackhammer attachment, doing a fine job of it I might add, and I found some beautiful beach ball pieces of pretty stuff there as well, and loaded them up too…here are a few of my finds from today and the week before as well, as I finally found some time to photograph them….

08 Finds From 0713 and 0727


09 Dogtooth and Druse


11 Dogtooth


13 Dogtooths


14 Another Set of Dogtooths


15 Double Dogtooth


16 Dogtooth


17 Another Dogtooth


19 Another Dogtooth


20 Another Brown Dogtooth


21 Another Brown Dogtooth


22 Small Cluster


24 Poker Chips & Druse


26 Medium Dogtooth Cluster


28 Small Poker Chip


the next couple of photos show small curved plates of dolomite druse with chips on them…very pretty and sparkle immensely beautifully in the sunlight….

29 Small Druse Plate with Chips


30 Small Plate with Chips


40 Small Druse Plate


31 Light Chips on Top


32 Crown of Chips


33 Black Poker Chip


34 Triple Poker Chip


36 Small Dogtooth


37 Dogtooth on Druse Plate


38 Combo Poker Chips


41 Small Dogtooth Cluster


42 Small Dogtooth Cluster & Druse


43 Small Dogtooth Cluster & Druse


44 Small Dogtooth Cluster & Druse


45 Small Cluster & Druse


45B Small Cluster & Druse


47 Triple Dogtooth


49 Dogtooth Cluster


50 Dogtooth Cluster


52 Another Triple Dogtooth


53 Another Triple Dogtooth Cluster


54 Triple Dogtooth & Druse


55 Small Dogtooth


56 Small Black Dogtooth


57 Small Dogtooth Cluster


58 Poker Chip on Druse


59 Exposed Dogtooth


61 Small Dogtooth


62 Honey Brown Poker Chip on Druse Base


64 Honey Brown Dogtooth Cluster


65 Honey Brown Dogtooth Cluster


65B Honey Brown Dogtooth Cluster


66 Honey Brown Dogtooth Cluster


66B Honey Brown Dogtooth Cluster


67 Honey Brown Dogtooth Cluster

if you have any questions or wanna say hi, give me a shout at